LIGHT LABS on Jaggaer

LIGHT LABS is on Jaggaer!

At LIGHT LABS, we frequently receive calls from customers wanting to know how they can get our supplies on their Jaggaer based purchasing systems. Buying from LIGHT LABS through a Jaggaer purchasing system is simple. All you have to do is search for LIGHT LABS in your vendor settings and, if your institution has our company turned on in their Science Catalog, we will come up.

If you search for Light Labs and cannot find us, simply contact your purchasing department and request that they turn on Light Labs in their Science Catalog. Our Jaggaer Network ID is 13358525.  This is a free process for your university and it will give you access to our great line of products and sale prices.

Please contact us at 1-800-286-3103 or if you have any further questions.